Jennifer Ong career coach

Hi there! I’m Jennifer.

Career change coach, podcast host, ex-BlackRock, ex-GM of Style Theory

Here’s the 30 second introduction -

I’m a career coach focused on helping you identify and land a job that you’ll wake up excited for.

I also host a podcast Ctrl + Alt + Career, where I interview guests in Asia who have left behind a corporate job to build a business they’re passionate about.

The audio version of my story?

You can check out my podcast interview here.

The longer version of my story?

I was born and raised in Hong Kong, and at 18, left for the other side of the world for a bachelor’s degree in financial economics and psychology at Columbia University. After graduation, I spent 7 years climbing the corporate ladder and became a VP at BlackRock, moving across different teams and continents during my time with the firm.

I achieved what society deemed “success”.

But deep down I always felt that something was missing. I would shudder thinking that this was what the rest of my life would be.

But I didn’t know what else I would do. And frankly speaking I was also scared. I felt irresponsible giving up a nice cushy job.  I was worried what my family and friends would think. It was especially difficult for me because I had spent my whole life following a well defined path, only to realize this was not what I wanted. I completely lost my sense of self and my sense of direction. 

I did eventually find the courage to leave and became a General Manager at Style Theory (a Softbank backed Series B fashion startup), a job that I love.

And this is why I became a career coach and started my podcast, because this was the program I wanted when I was struggling to figure out why I was unhappy with my perfect on paper job and what I should be doing with my career next. And because I’ve struggled through this, it is my personal mission to help as many people as I can achieve the sense of purpose and fulfilment that I am now lucky enough to have found.

You can find even more of me on my social profiles - @ongjennifer_ on Instagram or via Linkedin.